Learning to Loathe Summer

Stare into the churning clouds
of a climate rendered hostile
a draught of smoke
stabs the back of your throat
as daily the sun looms closer
not rose coloured glasses but a red lens

To recall summers
when heat was life
kiyuku grass glossy as an unpacked toy
the buzz of cicadas
a sprinkler without guilt
we are richer today for the bargain

Now head out of the city into a landscape
warped and angry
demanding a response
but we emote on a short cycle
insanity monetized
a people - headless, blind and furious

My three sisters all have babies
Ears yet untuned to the mounting roar
Skin soft as talc
What will they know of summer
Now the barbarians are firmly past the gates
Taken residence in the highest seats.


Now read this

Scott Morrison’s Population Crisis

This week Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Liberal’s plan for Australia’s future population. The announcement came with Morrison and Alan Tudge, Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population, fronting up to the cameras... Continue →